
Translational science includes each stage of research along the path from the biological basis of health and disease to clinical and public health interventions that improve the health of individuals and populations. The development, approval and implementation of clinical interventions that improve human health faces several challenges, and requires translational research that will accelerate the process of basic scientific discoveries to the development of impactful interventions. To facilitate this process, the clinical and translational science workforce will need to be familiar with the specific methods associated with patient-oriented translational research, 以及生物医学网赌论坛有哪些伦理和法规方面的培训.

The clinical and translational sciences (CTS) major provides students with in-depth instruction in the fundamental skills, methodology, 以及临床和转化网赌论坛有哪些的原则. It is designed to equip students with the ability to formulate meaningful hypotheses, 设计和进行可解释的实验, analyze results critically, 理解并传达网赌论坛有哪些成果的广泛意义, 在网赌论坛有哪些中坚持最高的道德标准.

学生将通过深入的指导获得这些技能, formal laboratory experiences, and specific ongoing guidance on the process of translational science and emerging developments in the field.

该计划将使学生接触到多学科网赌论坛有哪些的概念, 让他们把团队科学视为期望, rather than exception—leveraging resources and expertise across the University to prepare students to become leaders and members of clinical and translational research teams. Students will gain knowledge of a range of scientific disciplines allowing them to effectively communicate and collaborate across multidisciplinary teams.


  • 理解转化科学的哲学和方法
  • Understand the public health context of clinical and translational research and its societal implications
  • Understand and apply the fundamental principles of clinical research methodology involved in clinical and translational research
  • Understand and apply the biological and physiological principles that form the foundation for clinical and translational sciences
  • Describe the principles of team science and their significance to clinical and translational research
  • Compare the role of basic and clinical sciences in clinical research and population health

Major Requirements

This major has eight full-credit required courses (the CTSC 299 research seminar course spans two semesters and is equivalent to two courses), one 1-credit lab, and four electives. 完成本专业的学生将获得一个 bachelor of science degree that satisfies the natural science requirement of the Rochester Curriculum.

学生必须完成以下课程中的至少三门:PHLT 103, STAT 212, CHEM 203, BIOL 198 (or BIOL 190), BIOL 204才有资格申报CTSC专业.  学生的平均专业绩点必须至少达到2分.0 to be able to declare a CTSC major.

Foundational Courses

These courses are not formally part of major but prerequisites to required courses:

  • BIOL 110: Principles of Biology I or BIOL 112:生物学视角I(先决条件:CHEM 131)
  • BIOL 111: Principles of Biology II or BIOL 113:生物学视角II(先决条件:BIOL 110或BIOL 112)
  • 化学131:化学概念、系统和实践1
  • 化学132:化学概念,系统和实践II(先决条件:化学131)

Core Requirements

Eight courses including the CTSC two-semester research seminar and one 1-credit lab:

  • PHLT 103: Concepts of Epidemiology
  • STAT 212: Applied Statistics I (valid until spring 2024) or STAT 180:应用统计方法概论(valid beginning fall 2024)
  • PHIL 225: Medical Ethics or PHIL 228:公共卫生伦理(需要讲师许可)
  • CHEM 203: Organic Chemistry I or 化学171:一年级有机化学I*
  • 化学207:有机化学I:实验(1学分) or 第一年有机化学实验I(1学分)*
  • BIOL 198: Principles of Genetics or BIO 190: Genetics and the Human Genome*
  • 生物工程学报第204期:人体生理学原理*
  • CTSC 299W: Research Seminar in Translational Sciences (CTS juniors or seniors only)*
  • CTSC 299: Research Seminar in Translational Sciences (CTS juniors or seniors only)*

*Requires prerequisite from either the foundational courses or other core requirement courses.


学生必须选修以下四门课程, three of which must come from Biomedical Sciences and Clinical Research Methods (at least one course required from clinical research methods) and one must come from Population Sciences.



  • STAT 276: Statistical Computing in R or BIOL 208: BIO编程入门(先决条件:STAT 211), 212, 213 or equivalent; or BIOL 190 or BIOL 198 conc.)
  • DSCC 201: Tools for Data Science or BIOL 253:计算生物学(H)(先决条件:CSC 161或CSC 171或BIOL 208)
  • 数字成像:将真实转化为虚拟
  • PM 415U:流行病学原理(先决条件:PHLT 103)
  • PM 488 (H):实验治疗学(仅限CTS大三或大四学生)
  • BST 465:临床试验设计(先决条件:BST 463或同等学历)

Biomedical sciences:

  • CHEM 204: Organic Chemistry II or 化学172:第一年有机化学II(先决条件:化学203,207)*
  • BIOL 202:分子生物学(先决条件:BIOL 198或BIOL 190和BIOL 250)
  • BIOL 210:细胞生物学(先决条件:BIOL 110或BIOL 111, BIOL 112或BIOL 113)
  • BIOL 222:衰老生物学(前提条件:BIOL 198)
  • 生物学226:发育生物学(前提条件:生物学198)
  • BIOL 250 (H):生物化学入门(先决条件:BIOL 110或BIOL 112, BIOL 190 or BIOL 198, CHEM 203, CHEM 204 conc.)
  • MBI 220: Introduction to Microbiology (Prerequisites: BIOL 110, BIOL 111, BIOL 198, CHEM 203)
  • MBI 221W:微生物实验室(先决条件:BIOL 110, BIOL 111, BIOL 198, CHEM 203)


Population Sciences (One Course)

  • PHLT 116: Introduction to U.S. Health System
  • PHLT 236: Health Care and Law
  • PHLT 216:同伴健康宣传(有效期至2022年春季)
  • HIST 383W: Disease and Society
  • PM 412U:调查网赌论坛有哪些(先决条件:PM 415)
  • PM 414U:流行病学史(先决条件:PHLT 103)
  • PM 418U或PM 418W:心血管流行病学(先决条件:PHLT 103)
  • PM 424U或PM 424W:慢性疾病流行病学(先决条件:PHLT 103)
  •  PM 451U or PM 451W: Epidemiology of Infectious Diseases (Prerequisite: PHLT 103 or PM 415 & BST 463,或PM 401,或STAT 216或同等学历)
  • PM 489U or PM 489W: Injury Epidemiology and Emergency Care Methods (Prerequisite: PHLT 103)
  • PHLT 394E:急诊医学实习

Upper-Level Writing Requirement

Students will be required to register for two upper-level writing courses within this major, 其中之一是CTSC 299W:转化科学网赌论坛有哪些研讨会.

Courses designated with (W) have writing requirements that will satisfy the Rochester Curriculum’s upper-level writing requirement. 学生将注册“W”部分. 注册任何“W”BIO课程都需要获得讲师的许可. For each PM (W) course there will be a cap of five students registering for the writing component.

Overlapping Major Courses

Students majoring in CTS are permitted to use up to three courses between a CTS major and another major. The introductory STAT course (STAT 212 or STAT 180) is not included in course overlaps.

Transfer Credit

Students are permitted (with the approval of the CTS faculty advisor) to use up to three transfer courses towards a CTS major.

Honors Program

Students will be invited by the Multidisciplinary Studies Center to apply to the honors program. Invitations are based on a 3.7 grade-point average in the core requirements (all core courses need to have been completed by the end of fall of senior year) and on progress toward finishing requirements for the major.

Students who receive an invitation will need to formally apply to the Multidisciplinary Studies Center to enroll in the honors program. 要想以优异成绩毕业于临床和翻译科学专业,学生必须:

  • Complete the major
  • 完成至少一门(H)指定的高级课程
  • Complete four credit hours of independent study over and above the credits required for the major (CTS 393H for fall or spring semester of senior year)
  • 累积平均成绩至少达到3分.7 in the major
  • Complete a distinguished research paper (thesis) under the direction of a faculty advisor*

论文必须至少达到A-的水平. Students will not receive honors for a thesis that does not meet this minimum standard.

Distinction Program

这个专业将提供一个区分项目,其中术语“区分”, “high distinction”, 而“最高区分”则体现了业绩的质量. A GPA of at least 3.40 will qualify for “distinction”; a GPA of at least 3.60 will qualify for “high distinction”; and a GPA of at least 3.80人有资格获得“最高荣誉”.